preparatory actions and core actions

1. preparatory actions
✓ A1 Update of the current situation at international and EU level regarding the environmental risk analysis of the activities of Annex III of the Environmental Liability Directive
A.1.1 Mapping of Risk Analysis factors in European and Greek Legislation
A.1.2 Review and mapping of risk analysis methodology
A.1.3.Determination of the examined categories of activities
A2 Analysis of the current state of the national insurance market
Α.2.1 Stakeholder Questionnaire Analysis Report
Α.2.2 Environmental Liability Insurance Market Report
Α. Business Questionnaire
Β. Insurance Companies Questionnaire
Γ. Questionnaire of Intermediaries
A3 SWOT analysis at national level & identification of key stakeholders
A.3.1.SWOT Analysis
A.3.2.Stakeholder analysis, engagement and communication strategy
2. core actions
✓ B1 Risk assessment of environmental damage for the main categories of activities as classified in action A1
✓ B3 Development of IT tool
✓ Β2.1 Οικονομική αποτίμηση της περιβαλλοντικής ζημίας και ιδιαίτερα όσον αφορά στη βιοποικιλότητα
✓ Β2.2 Οικονομική αποτίμηση των κινδύνων σε κύριες κατηγορίες δραστηριοτήτων Monetary valuation of the risks for the key-category activities
✓ B4 Pilot test of the risk assessment tool for OPE Annex III activities, in three different regions of the country
✓ B5 Assessment of socio-economic impacts of the implementation of financial security based on the environmental risk assessment methodology in the market and the national economy
✓ B6 Adoption of the tool that will be available in Greek and English through the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
✓ B7 Establishment of Consultation Forum
✓ B8 Development of a National Plan through networking with the competent authorities and interested parties, approval and implementation of the National Action Plan
✓ B9 Creation and operation of an online platform for environmental liability cases
✓ B10 Organization of 7 one-day seminars, one in each Decentralized Administration to enhance the information and awareness of those involved regarding the importance of implementing financial security in the context of OPE
✓ B11 Organization of 7 one-day seminars, with the aim of demonstrating the tool and the online platform that will be addressed to public officials
✓ B12 Two-day event for the implementation of the project, to a targeted audience - interested parties (insurers, representatives of operators, bankers)
✓ B13 Drafting of recommendations, including best practice guidelines for operators
✓ B14 Organization of 3 seminars (workshops) to promote the application of financial security in the context of OPE in EU countries including the demonstration of the IT-tool

Sustainable development is the responsibility of businesses