Project partners

The National Technical University of Athens was founded in 1837 and is the first technological university in Greece. The research team contributing to the LIFE PROFILE project comes from the Department of Industrial Management and Business Research (IMBR) of the School of Mechanical Engineering. The IMBR sector is active in research and education in various scientific fields, including: Environmental Economics, Risk Analysis, Circular Economy, Supply Chain Management, Production Management, Operational Research, Ergonomics, Production Planning and Control, Quality Management, Business Management, Technological Economics, Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems and Information Systems in Production and Operations Management.

National Observatory of Athens the first research center of modern Greece, has been operating continuously since 1842 offering its services to science and society. It has been the center of astronomical, meteorological, cartographic and geodynamic measurements and observations for more than 170 years. Among others, the EAA hosts the UNESCO Chair for Natural Disasters and the Hellenic Focal Point of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), the National Seismological Network and large databases (NELIOTA). The EAA consists of 3 Institutes with a total of 150 staff. The Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development (IEPBA), has 45 research and technical staff and approximately 30 PhD/PostDoc students. It has the oldest meteorological station in Greece (170 years), offers the operational weather forecasting service (, a constantly expanding national network of automated weather stations (over 400), an integrated observatory and fire early warning system, the only national base data of classic pollutants and greenhouse gases from anthropogenic activities, hydro-telemetry network, atmospheric chemistry laboratory, meteorological device calibration laboratory, tools for adaptation to climate change aimed at municipalities, farmers, etc., and applied research and services to society. IEPBA provides educational programs for schools and for the training of postgraduate students in collaboration with other Greek and foreign Universities. He has coordinated and participated in numerous FP6/FP7/H2020/LIFE/INTERREG/HORIZON EU programs and national projects on climate change, air pollution, hydrology, energy and buildings, etc.

The Green Fund can finance programs drawn up by the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change or other Ministries and their supervised organizations, decentralized general administrations, local self-government organizations, legal entities of the wider public sector, as defined by the provisions of Article 1 of Law 1256/1982, and unions or other forms of associations of legal and natural persons, which aim in accordance with their statutory purposes to protect, upgrade and restore the environment.

The Institute of Urban Environment and Human Resources (UEHR) was founded in 1995 on the initiative of the Department of Economic and Regional Development, Panteion University. The Institute's main areas of activity are: education - research - scientific publications - scientific events - research programs. The Institute contributes to the undergraduate and postgraduate education of the Department of Economic and Regional Development of Pantheon. Areas of development of the Institute's activity are: the policies for the urban environment, spatial planning and human resources, the economic dimensions of the urban environment, sustainable cities, the real estate market, the economics of the environment and natural resources, the question of environmentally sustainable economic development, water resource management and the effects of climate change.

Griffin Environmental Consulting LP is a private commercial (SME) limited partnership, listed under the Hellenic General Commercial Registry No. 141983203000, based in Athens, Greece. Founded in 2017,Griffin Environmental renders expert/specialist technical advice and consultancy services in the environment / renewable energy / sustainability / climate change / urban & real estate planning sectors that include:
economic & technical/engineering studies, environmental policy research, operational research, feasibility studies, strategic environmental planning, environmental risk & impact assessments, environmental surveying and audits, design of environmental and hazardous waste management systems, ecosystem
rehabilitation studies, environmental bancassurance risk assessment, valuation, underwriting and premium pricing of environmental impairment risks, insurance claims adjuster services and sustainability training.
Griffin Environmental Consulting offers its technical expertise in the areas of risk surveying, assessment, valuation, underwriting and insurance premium pricing of environmental impairment and renewable energy risks to Interamerican Hellenic Property & Casualty Insurance Co. SA (ranked 1st Non-Life Insurer in Greece
in 2018 with GWP € 245,5mio.).

The Union of Insurance Companies of Greece is the institutional body representing insurance companies in Greece. It is a recognized professional association with a history of 116 years.
The 46 insurance companies - members of EAEE represent over 95% of the premiums generated in the Greek market. As the main and unified voice of the insurance sector, EAEE presents positions and proposals to the state, European Union institutions and International Insurance Organizations.

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) located in Athens, Greece. Inaugurated in 1837, it has been the first university in the newly established Modern Greek state, as well as in the Balkan and the Eastern Mediterranean area. Its role has been historically and socially decisive for education and promotion of cultural life in the country and beyond.
The research group participating in the project is part of the Ecology and Taxonomy Section of the Department of Biology of NKUA. The research group, has extensive experience in the study of the biodiversity exhibited by terrestrial organisms in Greece. Members of the research group have participated in the past and are currently active in the IUCN assessment of the threat status of several invertebrate taxa in Greece and in the European region more widely. The spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity of various animal and plant groups in the broader area of the Mediterranean are approached through the use of conventional morphological, spatial and molecular data analysis methods. The ecological and evolutionary mechanisms shaping the biodiversity in Greece are focal in our studies. In addition, the present day and historical impact of human activities on spatial patterns of biodiversity are a key component in the research agenda of the group.

Coordinating Office for Environmental Damage Mitigation
The Ministry of Environment and Energy has as its mission the preservation and improvement of the quality of the environment, the spatial and urban planning of the country and the promotion of development in the energy and fossil raw materials sectors, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. The Ministry of Environment has an executive and coordinating role, for:
a) the management and protection of natural resources, biodiversity and the aquatic environment,
b) the preparation and monitoring of the implementation of the national energy and climate policy, ensuring the supply of energy in relation to the adequacy of the country's energy resources, the research and exploitation of hydrocarbons, the utilization of renewable energy sources, the energy efficiency as well as the promotion of decarbonisation policies,
c) the rational, sustainable and environmentally friendly utilization of non-renewable energy resources and mineral raw materials,
d) drawing up a national forestry policy,
e) integrated spatial planning at national, regional and local level,
f) urban planning and preservation of architectural heritage.
The Coordinating Office for the Response to Environmental Damages, in accordance with the provisions of Presidential Decree (P.D.) 132/2017 (Government Gazette A' 160) "Organization of the Ministry of Environment and Energy" and Law 4622/2019 (Government Gazette A' 133 ) "Staff State: organization, operation and transparency of the Government, government bodies and the central public administration", falls under the General
Directorate of the Corps of Inspectors and Auditors of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and operates at Department level. SYGAPEZ has authority, according to the provisions of the P.D. 148/2009 (Α΄ 190) "Environmental liability for the prevention and restoration of damage to the environment - Harmonization with Directive 2004/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 21, 2004" for:
– the concern for dealing with the risk of causing environmental damage to the soil, waters and protected species and natural habitats, including the supervision and control of the implementation of the provisions of the Decree. 148/2009,
- recommending measures to prevent and remedy environmental damage; and
- monitoring the implementation of prevention and restoration measures and coordinating the actions of the Regional Environmental Damage Mitigation Committees.
As the competent Authority for the implementation of environmental liability and the polluter pays principle, it recommends to the Minister of Environment and Energy, the undertaking of action for prevention and/or restoration, in cases where the damage or the imminent threat of damage
- affects natural resources or services of national importance, the protection and/or management of which falls within the competence of a public authority; or
- where physical receptors or services are affected that extend across the administrative boundaries of more than one Region, or within the territory of other neighbouring Member States.
For environmental damage or imminent threat of damage that affects natural resources or services that do not fall under the above cases, the relevant Decentralized Administration through the Regional Committees for the Treatment of Environmental Damage undertakes, as the competent Authority. In the context of the implementation of environmental responsibility, SYGAPEZ employees, in accordance with article 51 of Law 4409/2016 (Government Gazette A' 136) "Framework for safety in offshore hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation operations, incorporation of Directive 2013/30/EU, amendment of the P.d. 148/2009 and other provisions" have the duties of environmental inspectors to check the compliance of operators with the provisions of the P.D. 148/2009. Also within the framework of its responsibilities, SYGAPEZ is expected to cooperate with
the competent Authorities of the other Member States and the European Commission for the application of environmental responsibility at a cross-border level, with national and foreign scientific bodies, for the gathering of scientific or other information on issues of prevention and restoration of environmental damage and gives opinions to the Minister of PEN for implementation of financial security (article 14 of Presidential Decree 148/2009).

Taking Environmental liability today. Sustainable development tomorrow!