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Seminar in Thessaloniki 10-10-2023
October 10, 2022 @ 08:00 - 17:00
The Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEE) is holding a series of specialized seminars in all regions of the country, on strengthening the implementation of the Environmental Liability Directive, as specified in the Decree 148/2009, particularly on issues of prevention and restoration of environmental damage through the promotion of adequate financial and other tools.
The fifth in a series of seminars for the Decentralized Administration of Macedonia - Thrace will take place on October 10 in Thessaloniki. It is addressed to the competent services at all levels of the Administration, to technical, professional and scientific bodies, to economic and market institutions, to the university community, to collectives, to environmental organisations and to citizens.
The above Conference will take place at the Amphitheatre of the Technical Chamber of Central Macedonia, 265 Megalou Alexandrou Street, 546 43 Thessaloniki from 10:00 - 17:30
The Seminar is part of the information, awareness and communication actions of an important program "LIFE PROmote Financial Instruments for Liability on Environment- LIFE PROFILE", which actions were undertaken by the National Observatory of Athens, one of the Partners of the Program, with the Voluntary Organization ECOCITY, as having particular experience in the subject of the program and in information and awareness actions.
We invite you to attend it in order to enrich your knowledge of the implementation of environmental and other legislation and to participate actively in the dialogue that will be developed, through cases - examples of offences and significant environmental damage, as well as cases of environmental liability and restoration of environmental damage.
The theme of the seminar is focused on the improvement of financial security and environmental risk coverage provisions for Annex III activities of the Environmental Liability Directive 2004/35/EC (ELD) and the further development and expansion of the existing market, in order to achieve significant socio-economic improvements and job creation in the technical, economic, consulting and financial sectors, along with the effective implementation of appropriate measures.
The project was submitted by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources / Coordination Office for Environmental Damage Restoration (coordinating beneficiary) to the LIFE Environmental Governance and Information programme. Co-beneficiaries are the Green Fund, the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), the University Research Institute of Urban Environment and Human Resources - Panteion University, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the National Observatory of Athens, Gryphon Environmental Consulting and the Hellenic Insurance Association (HAEE). It is the fifth in a series of specialized one-day seminars to be held in each of the Decentralized Administrations of the country.
Upon completion of the project, these seminars will be repeated in order to present the final deliverables of the project which is the development and implementation of an environmental risk assessment and evaluation system, based on which the necessary financial security instruments will be produced or further developed in order to prevent environmental damage on the one hand and to implement appropriate remediation measures on the other hand.
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